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  1. Das Anti-Cant Scope Level 1" bietet eine clevere Versetzung zur oberen linken Seite, um die Libelle problemlos zu beobachten, ohne das Sichtfeld einzuschränken.
  2. Einfaches Anbringen wie bei einem Zielfernrohr-Ring, mit sicherer Befestigung und optimaler Positionierung für beste Sichtbarkeit.
  3. Hergestellt aus Aluminium und in der Farbe Schwarz, passt es zu 1''-Rohrgrößen und wird von GERMAN TACTICAL SYSTEMS produziert.
The Anti-Cant Scope Level 1" features a clever offset to the left upper side, making it incredibly convenient to use. Unlike traditional levels that may obstruct your view, this innovative design allows you to easily observe the level without any interference, providing you with an unobstructed sight picture.

Attaching the Anti-Cant Scope Level 1" is as simple as mounting a scope ring. It securely fastens to your riflescope and can be positioned to your desired location, allowing for optimal visibility. With this feature, you no longer have to struggle to find the level or divert your attention from the target. You can keep your focus where it matters most while ensuring that your shots are perfectly aligned.