- Modell: Government
- Waffentyp: 1911
- Versandgewicht: 0,045kg
- Versandbreite: 83mm
- Versandlänge: 146mm
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x

Artikel-Nr.: 100000884
Herst.-Nr.: P60B
Jedes einzelne Teil ist in den USA hergestellt, von hoher Qualität und garantiert passend sowie funktional wie das Originalteil.A decent replacement. 11.06.2011
Fit and finish of the exterior were very nice. The inside of the plug showed very heavy tool marks. There was some sort of stone or metal dust inside the plug, as when I fired 100 rounds to test function, there was fine powder all in my recoil spring and barrel link.
Quality Part 02.07.2010
A quality 1911 Plug can be a hard part to find. Brownell's part is perfect and is flat blued. It is mil-spec so drop it in. You're done; and done looking.
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