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Verbessere deinen Remington 700 mit dem HARRIS GUNWORKS Sako-Style Extractor Kit! 🔧 Erlebe mehr Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit bei deinem Schießen.




HARRIS GUNWORKS .308 Sako-Style Extractor Kit
89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *
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Artikel-Nr.: 562102000
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89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *
HARRIS GUNWORKS .223 Sako-Style Extractor Kit
89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *
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Artikel-Nr.: 562102001
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89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *
89.9 89.9 2 EUR
89.9 EUR 89,90 €

Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Artikel-Nr.: 562102000

Herst.-Nr.: NONE

Das komplette Teilekit verwandelt Remington 700 Verschlüsse, um einen größeren, Sako-Style Extractor zu verwenden, der einen größeren Teil des Patronenrandes erfasst, was die Leistung des Extractors erhöht.
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HARRIS GUNWORKS .308 Sako-Style Extractor Kit
89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *
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Artikel-Nr.: 562102000
Nicht verfügbar
89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *
HARRIS GUNWORKS .223 Sako-Style Extractor Kit
89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *
Nicht verfügbar
Artikel-Nr.: 562102001
Nicht verfügbar
89.9 EUR 0 89,90 € *


Original anzeigen (Englisch)
Remington-Verschlüsse für zuverlässige Extraction umwandeln
Das komplette Teilekit verwandelt Remington 700 Verschlüsse, um einen größeren, Sako-Style Extractor zu verwenden, der einen größeren Teil des Patronenrandes erfasst, was die Leistung des Extractors erhöht.

TECHNISCHE DATEN: 17-4 Edelstahl-Extractor. Das Kit enthält den Extractor, einen Plunger-Pin und eine Feder. Die Installation erfordert das Bearbeiten des Verschlusses. .308 ist .234" breit und geeignet für Patronen von .308 Win bis .505 Gibbs. .223 ist .170 breit. Geeignet für .223-basierte und andere kleine Randpatronen.


  • Modell: 700
  • Waffentyp: Remington
  • Versandgewicht: 0,009kg
  • Versandhöhe: 3mm
  • Versandbreite: 48mm
  • Versandlänge: 94mm


Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x


Kundenbewertungen (3)

2,7 / 5
Wenig empfehlenswert

Brownells USA Harris kit comes with bad instructions 14.06.2016

These kits have been backordered for ages and now that we've received them we are highly disappointed in the instructions that they came with. The directions clearly indicate drilling with a drill bit smaller than the size of the stud/pin on the extractor. The dimension on the milling slot is wrong. That leads to the placement of the hole being off from their numbers as well.

We have contacted Harris Barrelworks to discuss the issues and get an update on what percent oversized the stud/pin hole is meant to be over the stud dimension. Unfortunately the person who designed them and knows best is out of the shop and will not be able to get back to us for at least a week. All in all, these errors in the written instructions leave us with less faith in the overall product.

The past '09 review by Butch was in line with our past experiences with previously available products, but as of now we don't think an alteration to the extractor to fit will be necessary like it used to be. Of course, until we get the correct numbers lined out we won't know for sure.


Brownells USA I installed it myself. 23.02.2016

You MUST have a milling machine to install this. You CANNOT do it on a drill press. It is not for the 1st time user. you have to have experience in installing one. if you screw it up, you will need a new bolt. That being said. it works great, better than the Remington style. Gave it 4 stars. just because of the amount of machining and fixtures needed to do it.

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Brownells Deutschland GmbH
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24539 Neumünster

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