743108740002 Der gummierte „übergossene“ Pistolengriff ersetzt den kleinen, stubby Originalholzgriff und bietet dir einen soliden Halt. Die orthopädische Form mit Palmwölbungen und Fingerkerben reduziert Stöße, erhöht den Schießkomfort und verbessert die Kontrolle. Die „Kopfsteinpflaster“-Oberflächentextur sorgt für einen rutschfesten Griff. Passt fest gegen den Rahmen, widersteht Abnutzung und wird sich nicht lockern. Zählt als in den USA hergestelltes Teil gemäß den Anforderungen der US-Verordnung Titel 18 Abschnitt 922®.
Rubber “overmolded” pistol grip replaces the small, stubby original wood grip and gives you a solid purchase. Orthopedic shape with palm swells and finger grooves reduces shock, increases shooting comfort, and improves control. “Cobblestone” surface texture provides a non-slip grasp. Fits solidly against the frame, resists wear, and won’t loosen. Counts as a U.S. made part in compliance with U.S. Code Title 18 Section 922® part-source requirements.
Der gummierte „übergossene“ Pistolengriff ersetzt den kleinen, stubby Originalholzgriff und bietet dir einen soliden Halt. Die orthopädische Form mit Palmwölbungen und Fingerkerben reduziert Stöße, erhöht den Schießkomfort und verbessert die Kontrolle. Die „Kopfsteinpflaster“-Oberflächentextur sorgt für einen rutschfesten Griff. Passt fest gegen den Rahmen, widersteht Abnutzung und wird sich nicht lockern. Zählt als in den USA hergestelltes Teil gemäß den Anforderungen der US-Verordnung Titel 18 Abschnitt 922®.
TECHNISCHE DATEN: Fiberglaskern, übergossener synthetischer Gummi-Außenbereich, schwarz. Passt auf AK-47/74 und kompatible Gewehre.
Top Takeaways
Der HOGUE Pistolengriff bietet dir einen festen Halt und reduziert den Rückstoß.
Die 'Cobblestone'-Oberflächentextur sorgt für einen rutschfesten Griff.
Er ist kompatibel mit AK-47/74 und widersteht Verschleiß.
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.y.1
Kundenbewertungen (12)
5 / 5
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YUGO NPAP Pistol SB Brace 15.03.2018
If you are going to run an SB Tactical Brace like the SB47 or SOB47, ones that attach underneath the pistol grip then look no further. This grip is perfect for that application the screw that comes with it threads right into the YUGO NPAP no problem it does come with itâs own threaded adapter but you wonât need it. All you need to use is just the screw and the grip the threaded portion on the Yugos are not removelable like other akâs. But the screw from Hougue threads much further in than the standard screw that came from century arms the brace and grip is much more secure and feels solid. The rubber also grips the brace all around feels very sturdy much better than using the standard grip from Centiry Arms. Also itâs a philips so thatâs the only tool youâll need to install. Good luck.
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Best grip for the AK. 04.06.2014
This grip is great. I am happy with this purchase. Shipping was fast and the price was really good.
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Only grip for me! 16.05.2014
Grip fits my hand like a glove. Some traditionalist like the standard ak grip. They can keep those slippery little grips and I will take this grip every time. Tried the magpul grip and went right back to this. Only grip for me!
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Entirely changed the feel of my ak 15.03.2014
One note for anyone who has an amd-65 variant is that modification of the grip is necessary to allow room for the side-folder's release. Very simple, I used a sharp pocket knife to cut to fit.
That said, the only negative thing I could say would be variant related issues. This is a solid grip, mounts flush and tight. The feel that this adds to my rifle is indescribable. Also the rubber seems durable, but only time will tell. Worth every penny!
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Best aftermarket AK accessory. 31.08.2013
Installs fast and easily. Better grip than AK grip. Works even when wet. Better control of AK.
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Best AK grip ever 15.05.2013
Absolutely love this grip. Had several other on my AKs and handled some more, but this one is so far the most comfortable one.
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Nearly Perfect 04.01.2013
Added this grip to a Yugo underfolder and it fits perfectly and works great. Installation took about 2 minutes. It fits great - no filing, sanding, or fitment issues (and Yugos are hard to fit for some accessories). It is a huge improvement over the stock Century grip that was originally on the rifle. Unbelievably good investment.
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Best Mod For My AK-47 To Date..Get One!! 03.08.2012
I specifically ordered the Hogue AK Pistol Grip to review for my blog fans and followers. I have owned several products manufactured by Hogue including the current stock on my Remington 700 SPS Tactical. So ordering this pistol grip for my WASR-10 was an absolute no brainer.
Once it arrived it was everything I expected. It came with the grip, installation hardware and directions. Changing the grip over couldn't have been easier and literally took me five minutes to install. Luckily my WASR-10 wasn't one of the ones that have issues removing the old grip. The old grip came right off and the Hogue slid right on. No modification, no sanding or cutting.
Once the grip was installed, it was the best modification that I made to my WASR so far. It was beefy with the prefect amount of palm swell on both sides and the texture was pure comfort. The best part about the grip was the finger groovesâ¦it almost seemed as though they were molded for my hand. Holding the grip was comfortable and gave me complete control over the rifle.
Since installation, I have fired my WASR on hot sweaty days, as well as in the rain. Wet hands are not an issue with this grip at all. Even though my hands were wet, I maintained my grip and total control. Some people may not realize how important a grip can be, but when you're moving and shooting or shooting in adverse conditions, it can mean everything.
Needless to say, I was extremely pleased with the grip and it was everything that I have always come to expect from Hogue. I would highly recommend ANY Hogue product, but especially this grip for your AK variant. If you're looking for a cost effective upgrade for your AK, do yourself the favor and get a grip! Have fun, be safe and shoot on!
-Michael Sapp
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BUY IT! 01.06.2012
My hand fits on this grip like a glove. Perfect finger grooves, palm swell, and texture seems to glue your hand to the grip. Buy it and you will not regret it..
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Love it! 04.05.2012
This grip is leaps and bounds better than the cheap Tapco grip that came on my AK. It fits the rifle perfectly, and feels amazing in my hand. I have much better control and it's a lot more comfortable shooting with the Hogue grip. Worth every cent. I'll consider other aftermarket grips for future AK's, but I'll most likely stick with the Hogues.
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Awesome Grip 16.03.2012
First of all, the grip is thicker than the standard grip. Second, it is much more ergonomic. It is easy to install and I am in the process of replacing eveyone of my pistol grips with these. Definitely a worth while investment.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Best grip ever 07.06.2011
This went on my Russian AK 47. This grip is bu far the best grip i ever bought full stop. Buy it without thinking twice.
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Verbessere deinen Grip mit dem HOGUE AK-47 Pistol Grip! 🖤 Er bietet Komfort und Kontrolle für ein besseres Schießerlebnis.
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Die Magpul Schukow-S Aktie ist eine klappbare, modulare Lösung für die moderne AK.
Sie bietet eine stoßdämpfende Gummiunterlage und ist mit QD Sling Reittiere ausgestattet.
Die Schukow-S Lager passt auf die meisten gestempelten AK Empfänger und hat eine rechts Faltung für Optik-Kompatibilität.
Robustes und leichtes Polymer-Magazin für AK/AKM-Gewehre mit 30 Schuss Kapazität.
Stahlverstärkte Wirbelsäule und konstante Kurvengeometrie sorgen für hohe Haltbarkeit und reibungslosen Patronenlauf.
Praktische Matrix-Paneele zur Identifikation und ein reibungsarmer, kippfester Follower für zuverlässige Leistung.
Der Magpul MOE AK Hand-Guard ist ein praktischer Ersatz für AK-Muster-Gewehre.
Er bietet eine M-LOK-Montage-Fähigkeit und einen integrierten Hitzeschild für besseren Schutz.
Mit einem Drop-In-Design ist die Installation einfach und schnell.
Der Magpul MOE AK Schaft bietet eine optimierte feste Schulterstütze für die meisten gestanzten Empfänger.
Er hat internen Stauraum und eine stoßdämpfende Gummischaftkappe für einen sicheren Anschlag.
Der Schaft enthält wählbare Snap-on Wangenerhöhungen, die separat verkauft werden.
Die BROWNELLS Standard Line Bronze Bore Brushes sind hochwertige Laufbürsten, die speziell für die Werkstatt entwickelt wurden.
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