- Waffentyp: AR-15
- Versandgewicht: 0,005kg
- Versandbreite: 57mm
- Versandlänge: 146mm
Artikel-Nr.: 989015016
Herst.-Nr.: NONE
Echte, mil-spec Qualität kleine Pins für das AR-15/M-16, die abgenutzt, gebrochen oder einfach verloren gehen. Ideal, um deine eigenen Notfallteile-Sets zu erstellen.WORKS FINE 13.06.2017
I think the past reviews might have been old product, the ones they have now work in every upper I build daily.
Pins are oversized 09.10.2014
These pins are over sized as stated in a previous review. You will likely damage your receiver trying to install these. I've rated these at 1 star because they are basically useless. My opinion of Brownell's is still high and this review is not a negative review of Brownell's, only this product. I've always found Brownell's service and products to be outstanding.
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