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Entdecke die LEE PRECISION Auto-Drum Powder Measure! 🎯 Präzise Pulverabgabe für deine Lieblingspatronen mit verstellbaren Trommeln.

LEE PRECISION Auto-Drum Powder Measure

734307908119 100018937

Top Takeaways

  1. Automatische Dosierung von Pulver in deiner Lieblingspatrone.
  2. Enthält zwei unendlich einstellbare Quick Change-Trommeln für präzise Ladungen von 1 bis 80 Körnern Pulver.
  3. Hülsenbetätigter Schnellwechseltrichter mit Ein-/Ausschaltventil für einfache Handhabung.


  • Versandgewicht: 0,603kg
  • Versandhöhe: 95mm
  • Versandbreite: 178mm
  • Versandlänge: 203mm
  • UPC: 734307908119


Made in USA
74.9 74.9 1 EUR
74.9 EUR 74,90 €

Preise inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand

Artikel-Nr.: 100018937

Herst.-Nr.: 90811

734307908119 Automatisches, fallgesteuertes Trommelpulvermaß. Misst präzise und automatisch Pulver für deine Lieblingspatrone. Zwei unendlich einstellbare Trommeln sind enthalten. Diese Schnellwechsel-Trommeln geben zuverlässig und genau Pulverladungen von 1 bis 80 Grain ab. Fallgesteuertes Schnellwechsel-Trichter mit Ein/Aus-Ventil, Trommeln für Handfeuerwaffen und Gewehre sind enthalten.
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Original anzeigen (Englisch)
Automatisches, fallgesteuertes Trommelpulvermaß. Misst präzise und automatisch Pulver für deine Lieblingspatrone. Zwei unendlich einstellbare Trommeln sind enthalten. Diese Schnellwechsel-Trommeln geben zuverlässig und genau Pulverladungen von 1 bis 80 Grain ab. Fallgesteuertes Schnellwechsel-Trichter mit Ein/Aus-Ventil, Trommeln für Handfeuerwaffen und Gewehre sind enthalten.

Top Takeaways

  1. Automatische Dosierung von Pulver in deiner Lieblingspatrone.
  2. Enthält zwei unendlich einstellbare Quick Change-Trommeln für präzise Ladungen von 1 bis 80 Körnern Pulver.
  3. Hülsenbetätigter Schnellwechseltrichter mit Ein-/Ausschaltventil für einfache Handhabung.


  • Versandgewicht: 0,603kg
  • Versandhöhe: 95mm
  • Versandbreite: 178mm
  • Versandlänge: 203mm
  • UPC: 734307908119


Made in USA


Kundenbewertungen (3)

5 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert

Brownells USA Works Fine with Lee ClassicTurret Press 14.11.2017

Just got it in....used W231, TiteGroup, and Bullseye. All meter well, but TiteGroup leaks a tiny bit of powder on the top of the turret press. Not enough to cause any problems.

I was able to convert the large drum to a small with no problems. Loads are consistent, drums are interchangeable, and the price was reasonable.

Bought the auto-disk riser and extra drums too. Used on my powder thru expander die from Lee...There were no problems with case actuation or powder sticking.

Sehr empfehlenswert

Brownells USA My favorite powder dispenser 14.11.2017

First off, I can't believe there is only 1 review on this product at the time of my writing. I've used this dispenser for the last year or so and every time I love it. The dispenser is just like the Lee Perfect Powder Measure (which I actually like) but with automation. The instructions have a method of setting the charge with a pre-weighed charge you want. Tweak the adjustment thimble as necessary with the provided key tool. The operation is so smooth compared to the Auto-Disk which sounds like a screen door opening due to the return spring on it. I own 3 of those but just one Auto-Drum since it sits on my .223 Rem turret setup. I did remove the safety disconnect that requires you to reset it after each drop, there are instructions with the product and YouTube videos on how to do it. For some it may by OK, but for my use on the Lee Turret press, it is redundant. Like I said, smooth but it is accurate and consistent. I weigh various samples during my .223 loading process and all of them come either on the dot or within +/- a tenth. That has been my experience. As the other reviewer stated, you can get multiple rifle and pistol drums for an inexpensive amount and write on them (they have a flat spot designed for labeling) so you can switch them out if you want to. I probably won't use that as mine is dedicated to one cartridge. One slight caveat, for .223 Rem it is right at the border of not working the drum rotation completely due to the length of the case in the long Lee rifle charging die. I did buy the short rifle charging die and that made a world of difference! Also, only set it up enough to just operate the drum and no more, otherwise you may shove the neck into the charging die and slightly crimp it which will make bullet-starting/seating a bit difficult. When done loading, the body area holds a relatively large amount of powder. You'll want to empty it, on my turret I can just shut off the hopper and remove, then lift the turret out of the press and dump it into the powder container, and after that I may run a spent case just to make sure it's all out. I hope this info helps.

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