816413022580 Der Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Gewindelauf verwandelt deine "Plain-Jane" Beretta in einen schalldämpferfähigen Gastgeber. Der Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Gewindelauf benötigt keinen XL Kolben. Ein normaler ½"-28 tpi Kolben sorgt für zuverlässige Funktion. Gewinde 1/2"-28 zur Annahme einer Vielzahl von Pistolenschalldämpfern 1-10" Drehung Machined aus 416R Edelstahl Nicht reflektierende schwarze Nitrierbeschichtung Der Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Gewindelauf kommt bereit zum Einsetzen in deine Pistole, und jeder wird mit einem Gewindeschutz geliefert, um die Gewinde beim Schießen ohne Schalldämpfer vor Beschädigungen zu schützen.
Bestellbar, nicht vorrätig
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
Sets You Up To Shoot Your Beretta With a Sound Suppressor
The Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Threaded Pistol Barrel turns your “Plain-Jane” Beretta into a suppressor ready host. The Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Threaded Pistol Barrel does not require an XL piston. A normal ½"-28 tpi piston will provide reliable function. Threaded 1/2"-28 to accept a wide variety of pistol suppressors 1-10" twist rate Machined from 416R stainless steel Nonreflective black nitride finish Silencerco's Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Threaded Pistol Barrel comes ready drop-in into your pistol, and each ships with a thread protector to guard against damage to the threads when you're shooting unsuppressed.
Bereit, deine Beretta mit einem Schalldämpfer zu schießen
Der Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Gewindelauf verwandelt deine "Plain-Jane" Beretta in einen schalldämpferfähigen Gastgeber. Der Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Gewindelauf benötigt keinen XL Kolben. Ein normaler ½"-28 tpi Kolben sorgt für zuverlässige Funktion. Gewinde 1/2"-28 zur Annahme einer Vielzahl von Pistolenschalldämpfern 1-10" Drehung Machined aus 416R Edelstahl Nicht reflektierende schwarze Nitrierbeschichtung Der Silencerco Beretta 92F / 92FS / M9 Gewindelauf kommt bereit zum Einsetzen in deine Pistole, und jeder wird mit einem Gewindeschutz geliefert, um die Gewinde beim Schießen ohne Schalldämpfer vor Beschädigungen zu schützen.
Er benötigt keinen XL-Kolben; ein normaler 1/2"-28 tpi Kolben funktioniert zuverlässig.
Das Gewinde 1/2"-28 ermöglicht die Verwendung einer Vielzahl von Pistolen-Schalldämpfern und kommt mit einem Gewindeschutz.
Patrone:9 mm Luger
Made in USA
No Export, dieses Produkt ist nur in Deutschland erhältlich.
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.c
Kundenbewertungen (7)
3,9 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert
Works nice 11.10.2018
This works pretty nice. I orderd a piston from silencerco to swap out on my osprey can so I can use it with this that I'm still waiting on, but I put around 250 rounds through it just with the barrel alone. It worked well while I was hitting a bunch of steel targets and using various ammo. I used the locking block from my stock barrel. There is a pin to knock out, then you just slide the little rear pin out and then the block can come out, I reused the pins on the new barrel as well. The extra little bit of barrel is also kind of cool I think. It will stick out of your holsters a little though. The one thing that I had after install was some stiffness with the slide. Just make sure you lube everything and rack it a good number of times to help break it in some before you shoot so that that break in process can go smoothly as well. I did have some hangups with some reloads but I think that fault was on my end and some 147gr winchester ammo a friend had me try, it did get stuck a couple times. I don't know if that was all just breakin kinks or what but my 124gr and 115gr ammo ran perfect. 124gr is my favored ammo for the full size 9mm.
Bedingt empfehlenswert
92s 21.05.2018
Had to take a dremmel to it in order for the locking block to fit item needs a minor gunsmithing note added i by no means am one but just had to remove a few 1000âs of an inch. Fires very well no FTE or FTF on it yet. I had to send my HK barrel back because it FTE If itâs a range toy by all means go for it, for EDC I wouldnât trust anything but the original manufacturer barrels.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Nice upgrade! 03.03.2018
Silencerco has a winner with the Beretta 92 threaded barrel upgrade. I wanted to get my 92fs suppressor ready and they have it at a great price. Switching out the locking block from old to new was simple and easy. After the install, I gave it a test with 250 rounds and I found no differences at all with ..wellâ¦.. anything! It performed flawlessly and with same accuracy as I know my weapon.
This barrel is not chrome-lined like the Beretta original, however it is made of 416R steel with the same twist rate. After my test of 250, I cleaned and inspected the barrel and found no issues. I consider this a great choice for an upgrade and recommend if youâre ready to upgrade.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Works with military surplus 92s model 17.02.2018
I bought a beretta 92s model and wanted to shoot surpressed. I was pleasenly surprised that it dropped right in. I also bought a factory beretta upgraded locking block kit from brownells so I didnât have to reuse the original block from the old barrel.
The barrel fit and finished is just what I was hoping for and now I can use my liberty mystic x :)
Happy shooting!
Wenig empfehlenswert
Silencerco Beretta 92FS Barrel Fitment 22.12.2017
It's a shame I had to return this barrel. A factory new Beretta Locking Block would not fit properly. Had to almost force the block into position in the barrel then the block would not move/pivot as it should. This should be a drop in fit and I will not do any fitting to make it work.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Bad experience, possible lemon 21.09.2017
My well-used locking block would NOT fit into this Silencerco threaded barrel without modification - modification I wasn't willing to do. I initially thought the locking block was catching at the rear of the barrel, but it's also possible that the groove in the front was machined too narrowly, making the locking block unable to pivot all the way down. It would take a good amount of sanding for the locking block to slide freely like it does in my OEM Beretta barrel. IMO, this is unacceptable for a part that's A) supposedly "drop-in", and B) made for one of the most common supressor-hosts on the market. I should note this could have just been a lemon, or part of a bad batch (9/2017). Machining quality wasn't great, either, as there were machining lines around the chamber area, and the thread protector was not as well finished as my Silencerco Glock 34 barrel's, which I am COMPLETELY satisfied with. This 92 barrel, though, will be going back to Brownells as my first-ever return.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Great barrel. 07.08.2017
I picked up a used Beretta 92FS and this barrel went on sale the following day. Purchased the parts needed to complete the barrel assembly from Beretta. I took the gun to the range this past weekend and put 100 rounds through it with and without a supressor. Flawless. Great addition to the gun.
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24539 Neumünster
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Verwandle deine Beretta 92FS/M9 mit dem Silencerco Gewindelauf in einen schalldämpferbereiten Host! ✨ Perfekte Passform und Funktion.
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