A scope is only as accurate as its mounts, and these are far superior to the thin aluminum mounts that come standard on a Savage 10. I actually ordered these because I needed a few tenths more scope clearance and these taller mounts were way cheaper than buying taller rings. TAKE NOTE that these are sold singly, so you need to purchase in pairs; consider buying one as an extended mount to help with your ideal eye relief.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Excellent Base 17.11.2009
A scope is only as accurate as its mounts, and these are far superior to the thin aluminum mounts that come standard on a Savage 10. Be warned that these extended bases will actually extend into the feed port of a Savage 10, but not so much that it gets in the way of loading-- I needed it for proper scope eye relief and am happy with the trade off. TAKE NOTE that these are sold singly, so you need to purchase in pairs.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Excellant 21.10.2009
Perfect fit to bring scope back for easy and quick sight. easy ti install and storng
Brownells Deutschland GmbH
Lahnstr. 1
24539 Neumünster
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