- Versandgewicht: 0,045kg
- Versandhöhe: 15mm
- Versandbreite: 69mm
- Versandlänge: 292mm
- UPC: 734307900267
Artikel-Nr.: 100010156
Herst.-Nr.: 90026
734307900267 Die Lee Lead Ladle für die Geschossherstellung ist praktisch zum Abziehen und Umrühren von Metall. Sie verfügt über einen Griff aus Hartholz und eine Eisenlöffel.Very small size 08.07.2017
Quality is good, but understand that this is a very small ladle. Bought it for Cerosafe use, but way too small for even a pistol round.
Great Value 10.01.2014
I bought the Lee Ladle to begin with. I wasn't sure if I wanted a bottom pour furnace or standard unit. So I started out casting on my fish fryer with a cast iron pot. This ladle worked great considering it was a 1/4 of the price of the all the other ones. I was skeptical at first about the size of it, but it was perfect for filling 310 grain .430 double molds.
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