The “World’s Finest Trimmer” lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute – a joy to use! Durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridge cases to length. They do not chamfer or deburr the case mouth during trimming. These don't come with a dowel.
Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Kundenbewertungen zu LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 6.5mm Creedmoor Worlds Finest Trimmer
Anzahl der Bewertungen: 44
Von 44
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6
This is a major leap in trimming technology. Like a lot of re-loaders, have tried many trimmers. The Little Crow Trimmer leaves a smooth and consistent surface and length is spot on. Although a little pricey, well worth every penny. Brilliant! P.S. American ingenuity is still alive and well!!!
Works great....(06.02.2014)
I bought this to trim down 5.56 brass resized to .300 AAC Blackout. Little Crow Gundworks homepage had a video of a guy doing this and he made it look easy (held the brass by hand). After resizing a 5.56 (expander ball/decapper removed from sizing die), there is a lot of brass to remove. Well, the trimmer does work well, but I had to hold the cases gently with pliers in order to trim them down effieciently. Also, with trimming such a large amount of brass, it needed the trimmings to be cleaned out on a regular basis (every 25-50 rnds or so). If just doing a slight trim, it works excellent by hand. The trimmer works great but it does take some getting used to.
This is the World Finest Trimmer(29.12.2015)
When you're trimming lots of brass, this is the tool to use. I reshape 5.56-223 brass. I chop the original just below the shoulder. Run it through my full length sizing die, then trim.
I can buzz through 100 to 500 pieces of brass in the blink of an eye compared to any other trimmer on the market. I've been reloading for a long time. I've tried almost every trimmer gadget on the market. This one beats them all. You might see a .005 difference in overall length when using odd or mixed lotts of brass, ie LC to Winchester or TA. Not really a big deal. If you're shooting for extreme accuracy, you know better to not mix, lotts of brass. Use caution with PMC brass. Some PMC brass has thicker case walls. If you don't catch this with your mic or calipers your chamber will stop you when it jams.
Don't forget to cut the case first...(08.11.2016)
Just a note to SubGunGuy...
You have to cut approx 1/4" off of a NATO case prior to reshaping, or cut as second step. Either way, you'll only have a few thousandths to trim...
This device is absolutely fantastic! Much cheaper than the functional alternatives, and much faster than standard trimming setups. Couldn't be happier.
Going on my 3rd Little Crow Trimmer(09.12.2016)
223 Remington, 300AAC, and now 6.5 Creedmoor. Chuck it up into my drill press, and trim away the unwanted brass.
Its simple, easy to set up, and fast accurate trimming.
The device uses the case shoulder to provide alignment, you adjust and set the cutting end mill tool.
The worse thing about it is, brass shavings can collect inside the body, you got to clean it out often when doing large batches of brass.
Need to FLS your cases!(11.06.2016)
Well made product, I have them for multiple calibres, just be aware that Neck sized cases may not fit. This is clearly stated on the little crow gun works site.
excellent bit of kit(04.07.2013)
simple but brilliant
Time Saving Bargin(09.09.2015)
This trimmer is the greatest gadget on the reloading table.
It works perfectly. Buy one.
Simply the best there is(13.03.2015)
I purchased this awhile ago ( they had to special order it for me.
After always messing with 5.56/223, 308's and so on in volume i saw this and looked at it's theory of design and said "they are right on proper place to trim from"
After I received it I went to you tube to watch ways of setting up also and I will say it is not simple simple as you may hope on the 1st setup as it's very picky on when you lock it in but to be fair those of us doing this appreciate precision and after 10 minutes of tighten/check ,tighten/check I finally got it exact where I wanted it.
To practical use: Wow!Wow!Wow! so easy and perfect every time and after 600-1000 rounds it still cuts perfect and fast.
To tell of how nice it is and it's benefits here is a short story.
I had recently crushed a couple of discs in my back and could not do much so a friend who has been reloading since forever said he would come help with old and new I had mixed reloading and when he was asking for trimmer I pointed it out and after raising his eyebrow and going threw a few hundred and then checking at least a hundred he said "Dean, you just ruined me, this thing is absolutely the finest trimmer I have ever used " after that he was telling me I now had to buy him some because he doesn't want to go back to regular trimming.
The thing is awesome and I will get one for each caliber as I can afford
Caution when changing brass(24.10.2013)
This trimmer indexes off of the shoulder of the case. Therefore, you will have to set it at one place for your new brass, and another for your fire formed brass. And yes, I have found many new Remington cases that are too long (and many too short). Although I like this trimmer and it is heavy duty, I would just as soon use the old standby Lee trimmer. Unfortunately Lee doesn't make them for .17 caliber.
Amazing time saver!(20.03.2012)
It works better than advertised. Trims cartridges quickly and amazingly acurate (worst one out of 500 had .0005 differance). An absolute MUST if reloading large batches of match grade ammo.
The guy who invented this is a genius(11.04.2012)
I installed this gadget on a cheap, cordless drill I bought at a big box store for $12. It runs the trimmer just fine. Cases generally come in with +/1 .001. Throughput is very high, maybe 10/minute or so. It's fast and accurate, what more could you want?
It worked so well that I ended up buying the .30-06 and .223 versions as well.
Best gadget on my bench(09.08.2012)
Trims within .001". Trims in 4-10 seconds. Easy to clean. Easy to setup. I could not be happier with these trimmers. I'll buy them for every application I own, and for seasonal gifts for all my friends who shoot enough to need one. They are that good.
Simply Excellent - just buy it.(14.08.2013)
You might be seeing the high price, but once you buy this tool, you'll never look back. It's simply brilliant. Trimming has gone from one of my 'oh groan' exercises to being enjoyable.
I did approx 200 cases yesterday in well less than 1/2 hour and chamfering is almost unnecessary - although I gave them a very light touch with chamfering tool to take a little extra edge off the lips, it wasn't necessary and a lot easier when the cases are trimmed with a normal tool.
Some Difficulties but overall..(15.09.2013)
LIttle crow certainly speeds up the process of triming for length. I can do two hundred cases in the time it would be around 40 by hand. Big problem. I find that I can only use the trimmer after full length sizing the case first. Neck sizing doesn't allow the case to be inserted fully, Still, its a great aid to reloading.
World's Finest Trimmer (WFT) is, but...(03.10.2013)
pay attention to case sizing and the order of operations when you prep your brass. Why? Because, as advertised, the cutter indexes off of the case shoulder, not from the case head. If the case shoulders are inconsistent, then the case overall lengths will be inconsistent. So, either full length sizing or bumping the shoulders of previously fired cases is required to get an absolutely consistent case length. The trimmer will consistently size to length, whether the neck is sized or not.
If you think about it, the converse is also true for conventional neck trimmers, though. Cases trimmed to consistent length, if indexed from the case head as with conventional trimmers, will have inconsistent case overall lengths if it is necessary to either FL size or bump the shoulders after trimming. So, just understand that the WFT indexes off the case shoulder and pay attention to the order of sizing operations, and you will get very consistent results.
One BIG plus for me is that I can hold the drill and trimmer over into a tall kitchen trash can by my bench, and have every bit of trimmed brass end up in the trash can, not on my bench, floor, clothing, etc. Just hold the trimmer vertically so the shavings are thrown horizontally.
Awesome, easy to use.(08.06.2014)
Doesn't get any easier than this! The fastest most accurate way to trim your cases. Highly reccomend to all!
This is my second purchase of a LCG(08.02.2018)
This is my second purchase. I recently bought one for 223,
after dealing with a couple thousand without one, & I love it.
It's a no brainer to me, simple and consistent.
Bought this for 7mm08, and truly liked that it also works with the rest of the .308 family.
Just getting ahead of the game this time.
The guy who invented this is a genius(11.04.2012)
I installed this gadget on a cheap, cordless drill I bought at a big box store for $12. It runs the trimmer just fine. Cases generally come in with +/1 .001. Throughput is very high, maybe 10/minute or so. It's fast and accurate, what more could you want?
Fast and accurate(26.07.2017)
After spending a lot of time and effort manually trimming cases, this item, with a drill, makes it relatively effortless. Probably able to do about 10 per minute. Just finished processing 1400 rounds and it is still going strong.
this thing works!!(01.02.2012)
Turns a booring pain in the [*] job into kind of fun. You can go through a couple of hundred cases before you know it. Does a PRETTY GOOD job of de-burring; not perfect! I have had mine about a year and love it.
Great value(21.03.2012)
When I process cases I sit down to a pile of at least 2500 at a time. Not something I really look forward to but using the WFT has made this chore a lot more pleasurable. I mount the drill with the tool verticaly in a vise and use it just like you would use the expensive "G" brand at less than 1/4 the cost.
The guy who invented this is a genius(11.04.2012)
I installed this gadget on a cheap, cordless drill I bought at a big box store for $12. It runs the trimmer just fine. Cases generally come in with +/1 .001. Throughput is very high, maybe 10/minute or so. It's fast and accurate, what more could you want?
Trimming made easy(28.08.2012)
Great tool - I've never been able to trim cases this fast before. I've used an old Lyman power trimmer for years but it was still a pretty slow process. The only down side I could find is that you need to full lenght size the cases or they will not fit into the trimmer. I FL my rounds for the AR-15 anyhow but I do have a bolt action that I sometimes neck size for.
Really is "Finest" trimmer(06.09.2012)
Bought this on a whim. GLAD I DID!! VERY easy to use, accurate and fast. I had 8000 rounds to measure and trim. After sizing, I was able to do about 10-12 rounds per minute. Random testing after trimming showed accuracy to be within .001 to .0015. It takes longer to measure the case length than to trim it. If you don't own one or more of these you're missing out. I own several and want more.
Works Great(18.09.2012)
adjusting for proper length of trim can be a little patience testing, however, the end results are well worth the effort. The speed and accuracy of this tool makes this tool a terrific value. The Gracey or Giraud trimmers are something I will still consider owning but this tool puts their purchase on the back burner.
Well Worth the money(08.01.2013)
Works fast, but it does throw shaving everywhere.
Best trimmer I have!(13.02.2013)
WOW! Why did I wait so long to try this out? It takes a little getting used to, as well as some logistical thinking about how to set it up, but once you get it, the output of the WFT trimmer is amazing. I tried using it in a hand-drill, but it was slightly awkward (although manageable). I decided to chuck it up in my Delta benchtop drill press and it was easier. I'm going to try a benchtop latch/chuck next so it is lower to my work bench, but I'm in no rush. I easily blew through 600 .223 rounds in a single hour. Yes, you read that correctly - 600 rounds/hour!
There is one caveat. Even though the WFT trimmer indexes off of the shoulder, trim-length will be affected by headstamp. Remember, SAAMI is a spec "range", not a point, so there are variances between MFG's. This means you will have some headstamps that are shorter and longer than others if you set up off of a single headstamp. For example, I set my trimmer up off of LC surplus (can't think of the lot). Set up using a piece of LC brass trimmed to 1.750", all pieces of LC brass were trimmed to within 0.002" (very impressive considering the speed and quantity- about 440 pieces). However, PMC brass was trimmed to 1.748", FC brass trimmed to 1.752", and RP brass trimmed to 1.751". I also had some nickle-plated Win brass that measured 1.755" (getting close to max length).
Is this a big deal? Not really - I have since adjusted the WFT trimmer with a saved piece of PMC brass. This way, the PMC will all be trimmed to 1.75" and everything else will be slightly longer, but still plenty away from TTL.
Like I said above, I use this in a drill press. I set a small, shallow pan on the press shelf to catch the brass shavings as they come off. Below that, I use a small "paint mix" bucket that all the trimmed pieces go in to. On the left and right side of the bench, I have the brass to be trimmed split into equal amounts in buckets. As I trim with my left hand, my right hand is grabbing fresh brass from the right bucket. I then "see-saw" between my hands, trimming and picking, and can blow through lots of ammo quickly.
Some tips I have found are: 1) use a rubber coated glove (Mechanix Rubberized works for me) to get a better grip on the smaller rounds 2) keep a "set piece" handy (or multiples if you want to adjust TTL of each headstamp independently) 3)clean regularly - after 100 rounds or so, I stick a Q-tip up in the cutter and clean the blades off. After 300 rounds, I remove the trimmer from the press and "dump" out the shavings that have accumulated on the "shelf" inside the trimmer.
works well(01.03.2013)
Took a little bit of setting up, but works well, once you get it set up it trims it up very nicely. Just stick it in and a couple of turns does the job.
Smooth and fast(16.06.2013)
I first tried this trimmer with a power drill. While it's still faster than other methods, this tool really shines when you use a drill press. The drill press makes this a one hand trimmer which is great cause your hands still get tired. I used some gardening gloves which helped hold the brass a bit. Great product!
Awesome Awesome Awesome(31.12.2013)
Must have and extremely accurate with repeatability. Don't hesitate to buy this. I trimmed 750 .223 cases in less than two hours with no variation in case lengths. Take the time every 20-30 cases and blow or vacuum the shavings out of the trimmer body and it will trim accurate and exact every time.
I love it !!!!!
Lives up to the name.(22.02.2014)
I love this tool. I have prepped about 1200 rounds of brass for some mutli-gun practice. This thing works great. Very consistent and quick. I'll be ordering for 300AAC and .308Win also.
I first used with cordless drill. Later I mounted in my drill press and just kept it running. I could trim about 700 pieces per hour.
Not a fan(18.07.2015)
I hate to be the negative in this as I think it's a good idea, For me, it's not worth it. Had this thing about 3 years, used sporadically because it's not that accurate or consistent. If you use 1 brand of ammo, shoot from only 1 gun, and then full size the case, it's probably OK. I'd like to know how the other reviewers are getting the accuracy.
Did 130 Hornady cases today. Full sized with Dillion dies in my Rockchucker press. After finally getting it set for 1.750, results were: 58 between 1.749-1.752 that I could use, 46 were 1.753-1.756 that I re-did on my old Lyman, and 26 ended up being junk because it trimmed shorter than 1.747. Not acceptable to me. It is fast, but speed doesn't mean much when I have to re-do on the Lyman anyway. I'd send it back but It's not Brownell's fault.
Put to use immediately. Easy to adjust put desired lenght cartridge in slide cutter to contact and tighten two set screws. Accurate cut to lenght for me except for some odd brass 3 thousandths off very very fast compared to y trimmer i had. Hated to trim brass had lots to trim already half done. Ordered 308 trimmer while its on sale since i shoot 308 and 7-08.
Best Reloading Accessory Ever(18.09.2016)
This is a fantastic time saving tool. Read the instructions, adjust the tool, and trim away. I used my Lee Case Length Gauge and Cutter to create my master case. All of my cases were resized using Lee dies. I trimmed 250 cases and had no more than +- 0.001" variation. Very impressed and I wish I had found this thing years ago. No more hand cramps trimming 223 brass!
A real timesaver(03.12.2016)
I have always used either my Lyman or Forster products for my trimming duties. And while both are powered by my cordless screwdriver they're still slow. But quite accurate. Once I bought an AR and started dealing with processing hundreds or thousands of cases at a time I had to find something faster. The WFT certainly handles the larger quantities much better. I have mine chucked into my Dewalt drill and can process several hundred in an hour which is about as much time as I want to spend trimming in one sitting. As the directions point out, the cases must first be full length resized since the trimmer indexes off the case shoulder. Also with the small case I found an inexpensive rubber coated glove from Home Depot is essential to keep the case from slipping in my grip. The WFT will throw brass shavings everywhere and should be wiped with a Q-tip occasionally. Setup is best done with a case already trimmed to 1.750" and accuracy is acceptable for use in an AR. I randomly measured 20 trimmed cases and the majority were +/- 0.002" though 2 were +0.003 and 1 was +0.004". For my 308 Win I'll continue to use my Forster, it's much more accurate. The only other drawback is the cost of buying a separate trimmer for each caliber where the Forster only requires a caliber specific pilot and sometimes a new collet. Overall the WFT does exactly what I need it to do when process a large batch of 223 for an AR.
not for me(21.03.2017)
Bought this to batch process 50 pcs of 223/556 at a time to then go on loading block to run thru Dillon 650. FAIL. You have to resize your brass before using this tool since the cases index on the shoulder. I load range brass for go bang 223/556 for my AR's. Not adding yet another step to making range brass shootable. I'll get my gun smith to make me a go no go gage for OAL and throw the over length stuff in a bucket to take to the scrappies. Might be ok for a match rifle in 223 where you might want to take the time to resize first and then add this step but I have an RCBS manual trimmer for that and you can trim before resizing like Hornady reccommends.
Super Trimmer!(11.02.2012)
Fast. Consistent. Easy to use. Only con is it is cartridge specific. If you need to trim alot of the same cases fast this is the trimmer to get.
Great and simple tool(22.02.2012)
If you trim over a 100 cases a month for one caliber buy this and you will never look back. Bought first one for batch loading 308 for AR-10. God Send!! I bought additional for two other calibers. Easy and quick to use. Built like a tank. Made one of my least enjoyable loading steps tolerable. My buddies are bringing their brass to my garage now.
If you're like me and you hate trimming(29.04.2013)
Buy this and chuck it in a drill press. You might get some chips in the case, just make sure you size first then tumble after to clean up any small burrs. I usually blow out my primer pockets after tumbling anyways, so chips are not a deal breaker.
Otherwise, this cuts so smooth that you hardly have to chamfer the edges. I actually came here to buy one in .308, and thought I would write a review.
Its a pain to buy one for each caliber... but trust me your hands will thank you.
Exellent Trimmer(05.01.2014)
Received a WFT trimmer this past Friday and processed a lot of 100 pieces of brass yesterday. Setting the cutter for proper depth took a little time but well worth the effort. The trimmer is fast and holds tolerance based on sampling ten pieces of the processed lot. It is well made and features a replaceable cutter. I found it is important to let the trimmer spin up prior to inserting the brass and letting the tool do the work rather than forcing the brass. I found the trimmer easy to clean by applying vacum wand over the holes in the sides of the trimmer. I believe it is money well spent for a quality tool that is fast and produces an excellent result.
Awesome Trimmer, but...(06.08.2014)
Amazingly fast trimmer 10+ per min, very portable and light and a must have if reloading multiple rounds/calibers. However, very challenging to dial in correctly or adjust which is the ONLY REASON I GIVIE 4 STARS. I did find a method to dial in that works quickly (after many mistakes): I'll use .308 for example:
1. take a case that is 2.010/2.011
2. place case on a hard, level surface and slide (trimmer not attached to drill) until you feel the cutter slightly grabbing the case mouth and moderately set the set screws just so it doesn't slide on the cutter shaft.
3. take case out and really torque down the set screws in. For some reason this shifts the cutter about .004/5
4.You should be dialed in for 2.005/6 =/- .002
Note: if case doesn't trim to your liking, run it through your press
again and 90% of the time it will cut properly. if not, run it again
Don't know what the fuss is about!(05.10.2014)
I ordered this trimmer with the anticipation of receiving the "world's finest trimmer" literally. Well, as is the case with most things, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn't. No pros vs my lathe trimmer came across. The WFT should have been faster, easier, and at the very least consistent, none of these applied. I know that technique plays a big part, however most good reviews are from people that are simply not measuring how well the trimmer works! The variance is far too great to even consider giving this a one star. My lathe consistently gives me +/- .002, I'll stick with that.
Artikel-Nr.: 100011329 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 6.5mm Creedmoor Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-6.5 CRE Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
104.9EUR0104,90 €
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
Brownells Deutschland GmbH
Lahnstr. 1
24539 Neumünster
Artikel-Nr.: 749013295 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 30-06 Springfield Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-30/06 Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028122 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 300 H&H Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-300 H&H Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028131 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 308 Norma Magnum Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCGWFT308NOR Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028133 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 338-284 Winchester Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-338/284 Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028145 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 6mm Mongoose Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-6MM MON Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 749013293 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 223 Remington Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-223 REM Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
104.9EUR0104,90 €
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
Artikel-Nr.: 749013296 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 308 Winchester Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-308 WIN Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
104.9EUR0104,90 €
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
Artikel-Nr.: 100011332 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 300 AAC Blackout Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-300 BLA Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
104.9EUR0104,90 €
Nachbestellt, Lieferzeit ca. 4-12 Wochen aus dem Großlager.
Artikel-Nr.: 100011330 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 6.5x284 Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-6.5X284 Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028100 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 25-06 Ackley Improved Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-25/06 A Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028123 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 300 Norma Magnum Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-300 NOR Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028135 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 338 Lapua Ackley Improved Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-338 LAP Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028139 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 338-06 Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-338/06 Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028155 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 7mm LRM Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-7MM LRM Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Artikel-Nr.: 100028159 LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 7mm TCU Worlds Finest Trimmer Herstellerproduktnummer: LCG-WFT-7MM TCU Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
The “World’s Finest Trimmer” lets you trim more cases in less time - and with less effort - using your electric drill as a power source. The adjustable cutter rotates and shortens the case until the shoulder contacts the close-fitting stop that is mounted in a bearing to prevent it from rotating and marring the case. Simply pick up a case and push it against the cutter until the excess brass is removed. Once you have the trimmer set up and get a rhythm going, you can easily maintain a pace of 8-10 cases per minute – a joy to use! Durable aluminum and stainless steel construction, with a high-speed steel cutter for years of reliable service. Units only trim cartridge cases to length. They do not chamfer or deburr the case mouth during trimming. These don't come with a dowel.
Der "World’s Finest Trimmer" ermöglicht es dir, mehr Hülsen in kürzerer Zeit und mit weniger Aufwand zu trimmen, indem du deinen Elektrowerkzeug als Stromquelle verwendest. Der verstellbare Cutter rotiert und kürzt die Hülse, bis die Schulter den passgenauen Stopper berührt, der in einem Lager montiert ist, um ein Drehen und Beschädigen der Hülse zu verhindern. Nimm einfach eine Hülse und drücke sie gegen den Cutter, bis das überschüssige Messing entfernt ist. Sobald du den Trimmer eingerichtet hast und einen Rhythmus gefunden hast, kannst du problemlos eine Geschwindigkeit von 8-10 Hülsen pro Minute aufrechterhalten – ein echtes Vergnügen! Robuste Konstruktion aus Aluminium und Edelstahl mit einem Hochgeschwindigkeitsstahl-Cutter für jahrelangen zuverlässigen Einsatz. Die Geräte trimmen nur die Hülsenlängen. Sie entgraten oder verrunden die Hülsenmündung während des Trimmens nicht. Diese werden ohne einen Dowel geliefert.
Kundenbewertungen zu LITTLE CROW GUNWORKS, LLC. 6.5mm Creedmoor Worlds Finest Trimmer
Anzahl der Bewertungen: 44
Von 44
Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 4,6
This is a major leap in trimming technology. Like a lot of re-loaders, have tried many trimmers. The Little Crow Trimmer leaves a smooth and consistent surface and length is spot on. Although a little pricey, well worth every penny. Brilliant! P.S. American ingenuity is still alive and well!!!
Works great....(06.02.2014)
I bought this to trim down 5.56 brass resized to .300 AAC Blackout. Little Crow Gundworks homepage had a video of a guy doing this and he made it look easy (held the brass by hand). After resizing a 5.56 (expander ball/decapper removed from sizing die), there is a lot of brass to remove. Well, the trimmer does work well, but I had to hold the cases gently with pliers in order to trim them down effieciently. Also, with trimming such a large amount of brass, it needed the trimmings to be cleaned out on a regular basis (every 25-50 rnds or so). If just doing a slight trim, it works excellent by hand. The trimmer works great but it does take some getting used to.
This is the World Finest Trimmer(29.12.2015)
When you're trimming lots of brass, this is the tool to use. I reshape 5.56-223 brass. I chop the original just below the shoulder. Run it through my full length sizing die, then trim.
I can buzz through 100 to 500 pieces of brass in the blink of an eye compared to any other trimmer on the market. I've been reloading for a long time. I've tried almost every trimmer gadget on the market. This one beats them all. You might see a .005 difference in overall length when using odd or mixed lotts of brass, ie LC to Winchester or TA. Not really a big deal. If you're shooting for extreme accuracy, you know better to not mix, lotts of brass. Use caution with PMC brass. Some PMC brass has thicker case walls. If you don't catch this with your mic or calipers your chamber will stop you when it jams.
Don't forget to cut the case first...(08.11.2016)
Just a note to SubGunGuy...
You have to cut approx 1/4" off of a NATO case prior to reshaping, or cut as second step. Either way, you'll only have a few thousandths to trim...
This device is absolutely fantastic! Much cheaper than the functional alternatives, and much faster than standard trimming setups. Couldn't be happier.
Going on my 3rd Little Crow Trimmer(09.12.2016)
223 Remington, 300AAC, and now 6.5 Creedmoor. Chuck it up into my drill press, and trim away the unwanted brass.
Its simple, easy to set up, and fast accurate trimming.
The device uses the case shoulder to provide alignment, you adjust and set the cutting end mill tool.
The worse thing about it is, brass shavings can collect inside the body, you got to clean it out often when doing large batches of brass.
Need to FLS your cases!(11.06.2016)
Well made product, I have them for multiple calibres, just be aware that Neck sized cases may not fit. This is clearly stated on the little crow gun works site.
excellent bit of kit(04.07.2013)
simple but brilliant
Time Saving Bargin(09.09.2015)
This trimmer is the greatest gadget on the reloading table.
It works perfectly. Buy one.
Simply the best there is(13.03.2015)
I purchased this awhile ago ( they had to special order it for me.
After always messing with 5.56/223, 308's and so on in volume i saw this and looked at it's theory of design and said "they are right on proper place to trim from"
After I received it I went to you tube to watch ways of setting up also and I will say it is not simple simple as you may hope on the 1st setup as it's very picky on when you lock it in but to be fair those of us doing this appreciate precision and after 10 minutes of tighten/check ,tighten/check I finally got it exact where I wanted it.
To practical use: Wow!Wow!Wow! so easy and perfect every time and after 600-1000 rounds it still cuts perfect and fast.
To tell of how nice it is and it's benefits here is a short story.
I had recently crushed a couple of discs in my back and could not do much so a friend who has been reloading since forever said he would come help with old and new I had mixed reloading and when he was asking for trimmer I pointed it out and after raising his eyebrow and going threw a few hundred and then checking at least a hundred he said "Dean, you just ruined me, this thing is absolutely the finest trimmer I have ever used " after that he was telling me I now had to buy him some because he doesn't want to go back to regular trimming.
The thing is awesome and I will get one for each caliber as I can afford
Caution when changing brass(24.10.2013)
This trimmer indexes off of the shoulder of the case. Therefore, you will have to set it at one place for your new brass, and another for your fire formed brass. And yes, I have found many new Remington cases that are too long (and many too short). Although I like this trimmer and it is heavy duty, I would just as soon use the old standby Lee trimmer. Unfortunately Lee doesn't make them for .17 caliber.
Amazing time saver!(20.03.2012)
It works better than advertised. Trims cartridges quickly and amazingly acurate (worst one out of 500 had .0005 differance). An absolute MUST if reloading large batches of match grade ammo.
The guy who invented this is a genius(11.04.2012)
I installed this gadget on a cheap, cordless drill I bought at a big box store for $12. It runs the trimmer just fine. Cases generally come in with +/1 .001. Throughput is very high, maybe 10/minute or so. It's fast and accurate, what more could you want?
It worked so well that I ended up buying the .30-06 and .223 versions as well.
Best gadget on my bench(09.08.2012)
Trims within .001". Trims in 4-10 seconds. Easy to clean. Easy to setup. I could not be happier with these trimmers. I'll buy them for every application I own, and for seasonal gifts for all my friends who shoot enough to need one. They are that good.
Simply Excellent - just buy it.(14.08.2013)
You might be seeing the high price, but once you buy this tool, you'll never look back. It's simply brilliant. Trimming has gone from one of my 'oh groan' exercises to being enjoyable.
I did approx 200 cases yesterday in well less than 1/2 hour and chamfering is almost unnecessary - although I gave them a very light touch with chamfering tool to take a little extra edge off the lips, it wasn't necessary and a lot easier when the cases are trimmed with a normal tool.
Some Difficulties but overall..(15.09.2013)
LIttle crow certainly speeds up the process of triming for length. I can do two hundred cases in the time it would be around 40 by hand. Big problem. I find that I can only use the trimmer after full length sizing the case first. Neck sizing doesn't allow the case to be inserted fully, Still, its a great aid to reloading.
World's Finest Trimmer (WFT) is, but...(03.10.2013)
pay attention to case sizing and the order of operations when you prep your brass. Why? Because, as advertised, the cutter indexes off of the case shoulder, not from the case head. If the case shoulders are inconsistent, then the case overall lengths will be inconsistent. So, either full length sizing or bumping the shoulders of previously fired cases is required to get an absolutely consistent case length. The trimmer will consistently size to length, whether the neck is sized or not.
If you think about it, the converse is also true for conventional neck trimmers, though. Cases trimmed to consistent length, if indexed from the case head as with conventional trimmers, will have inconsistent case overall lengths if it is necessary to either FL size or bump the shoulders after trimming. So, just understand that the WFT indexes off the case shoulder and pay attention to the order of sizing operations, and you will get very consistent results.
One BIG plus for me is that I can hold the drill and trimmer over into a tall kitchen trash can by my bench, and have every bit of trimmed brass end up in the trash can, not on my bench, floor, clothing, etc. Just hold the trimmer vertically so the shavings are thrown horizontally.
Awesome, easy to use.(08.06.2014)
Doesn't get any easier than this! The fastest most accurate way to trim your cases. Highly reccomend to all!
This is my second purchase of a LCG(08.02.2018)
This is my second purchase. I recently bought one for 223,
after dealing with a couple thousand without one, & I love it.
It's a no brainer to me, simple and consistent.
Bought this for 7mm08, and truly liked that it also works with the rest of the .308 family.
Just getting ahead of the game this time.
The guy who invented this is a genius(11.04.2012)
I installed this gadget on a cheap, cordless drill I bought at a big box store for $12. It runs the trimmer just fine. Cases generally come in with +/1 .001. Throughput is very high, maybe 10/minute or so. It's fast and accurate, what more could you want?
Fast and accurate(26.07.2017)
After spending a lot of time and effort manually trimming cases, this item, with a drill, makes it relatively effortless. Probably able to do about 10 per minute. Just finished processing 1400 rounds and it is still going strong.
this thing works!!(01.02.2012)
Turns a booring pain in the [*] job into kind of fun. You can go through a couple of hundred cases before you know it. Does a PRETTY GOOD job of de-burring; not perfect! I have had mine about a year and love it.
Great value(21.03.2012)
When I process cases I sit down to a pile of at least 2500 at a time. Not something I really look forward to but using the WFT has made this chore a lot more pleasurable. I mount the drill with the tool verticaly in a vise and use it just like you would use the expensive "G" brand at less than 1/4 the cost.
The guy who invented this is a genius(11.04.2012)
I installed this gadget on a cheap, cordless drill I bought at a big box store for $12. It runs the trimmer just fine. Cases generally come in with +/1 .001. Throughput is very high, maybe 10/minute or so. It's fast and accurate, what more could you want?
Trimming made easy(28.08.2012)
Great tool - I've never been able to trim cases this fast before. I've used an old Lyman power trimmer for years but it was still a pretty slow process. The only down side I could find is that you need to full lenght size the cases or they will not fit into the trimmer. I FL my rounds for the AR-15 anyhow but I do have a bolt action that I sometimes neck size for.
Really is "Finest" trimmer(06.09.2012)
Bought this on a whim. GLAD I DID!! VERY easy to use, accurate and fast. I had 8000 rounds to measure and trim. After sizing, I was able to do about 10-12 rounds per minute. Random testing after trimming showed accuracy to be within .001 to .0015. It takes longer to measure the case length than to trim it. If you don't own one or more of these you're missing out. I own several and want more.
Works Great(18.09.2012)
adjusting for proper length of trim can be a little patience testing, however, the end results are well worth the effort. The speed and accuracy of this tool makes this tool a terrific value. The Gracey or Giraud trimmers are something I will still consider owning but this tool puts their purchase on the back burner.
Well Worth the money(08.01.2013)
Works fast, but it does throw shaving everywhere.
Best trimmer I have!(13.02.2013)
WOW! Why did I wait so long to try this out? It takes a little getting used to, as well as some logistical thinking about how to set it up, but once you get it, the output of the WFT trimmer is amazing. I tried using it in a hand-drill, but it was slightly awkward (although manageable). I decided to chuck it up in my Delta benchtop drill press and it was easier. I'm going to try a benchtop latch/chuck next so it is lower to my work bench, but I'm in no rush. I easily blew through 600 .223 rounds in a single hour. Yes, you read that correctly - 600 rounds/hour!
There is one caveat. Even though the WFT trimmer indexes off of the shoulder, trim-length will be affected by headstamp. Remember, SAAMI is a spec "range", not a point, so there are variances between MFG's. This means you will have some headstamps that are shorter and longer than others if you set up off of a single headstamp. For example, I set my trimmer up off of LC surplus (can't think of the lot). Set up using a piece of LC brass trimmed to 1.750", all pieces of LC brass were trimmed to within 0.002" (very impressive considering the speed and quantity- about 440 pieces). However, PMC brass was trimmed to 1.748", FC brass trimmed to 1.752", and RP brass trimmed to 1.751". I also had some nickle-plated Win brass that measured 1.755" (getting close to max length).
Is this a big deal? Not really - I have since adjusted the WFT trimmer with a saved piece of PMC brass. This way, the PMC will all be trimmed to 1.75" and everything else will be slightly longer, but still plenty away from TTL.
Like I said above, I use this in a drill press. I set a small, shallow pan on the press shelf to catch the brass shavings as they come off. Below that, I use a small "paint mix" bucket that all the trimmed pieces go in to. On the left and right side of the bench, I have the brass to be trimmed split into equal amounts in buckets. As I trim with my left hand, my right hand is grabbing fresh brass from the right bucket. I then "see-saw" between my hands, trimming and picking, and can blow through lots of ammo quickly.
Some tips I have found are: 1) use a rubber coated glove (Mechanix Rubberized works for me) to get a better grip on the smaller rounds 2) keep a "set piece" handy (or multiples if you want to adjust TTL of each headstamp independently) 3)clean regularly - after 100 rounds or so, I stick a Q-tip up in the cutter and clean the blades off. After 300 rounds, I remove the trimmer from the press and "dump" out the shavings that have accumulated on the "shelf" inside the trimmer.
works well(01.03.2013)
Took a little bit of setting up, but works well, once you get it set up it trims it up very nicely. Just stick it in and a couple of turns does the job.
Smooth and fast(16.06.2013)
I first tried this trimmer with a power drill. While it's still faster than other methods, this tool really shines when you use a drill press. The drill press makes this a one hand trimmer which is great cause your hands still get tired. I used some gardening gloves which helped hold the brass a bit. Great product!
Awesome Awesome Awesome(31.12.2013)
Must have and extremely accurate with repeatability. Don't hesitate to buy this. I trimmed 750 .223 cases in less than two hours with no variation in case lengths. Take the time every 20-30 cases and blow or vacuum the shavings out of the trimmer body and it will trim accurate and exact every time.
I love it !!!!!
Lives up to the name.(22.02.2014)
I love this tool. I have prepped about 1200 rounds of brass for some mutli-gun practice. This thing works great. Very consistent and quick. I'll be ordering for 300AAC and .308Win also.
I first used with cordless drill. Later I mounted in my drill press and just kept it running. I could trim about 700 pieces per hour.
Not a fan(18.07.2015)
I hate to be the negative in this as I think it's a good idea, For me, it's not worth it. Had this thing about 3 years, used sporadically because it's not that accurate or consistent. If you use 1 brand of ammo, shoot from only 1 gun, and then full size the case, it's probably OK. I'd like to know how the other reviewers are getting the accuracy.
Did 130 Hornady cases today. Full sized with Dillion dies in my Rockchucker press. After finally getting it set for 1.750, results were: 58 between 1.749-1.752 that I could use, 46 were 1.753-1.756 that I re-did on my old Lyman, and 26 ended up being junk because it trimmed shorter than 1.747. Not acceptable to me. It is fast, but speed doesn't mean much when I have to re-do on the Lyman anyway. I'd send it back but It's not Brownell's fault.
Put to use immediately. Easy to adjust put desired lenght cartridge in slide cutter to contact and tighten two set screws. Accurate cut to lenght for me except for some odd brass 3 thousandths off very very fast compared to y trimmer i had. Hated to trim brass had lots to trim already half done. Ordered 308 trimmer while its on sale since i shoot 308 and 7-08.
Best Reloading Accessory Ever(18.09.2016)
This is a fantastic time saving tool. Read the instructions, adjust the tool, and trim away. I used my Lee Case Length Gauge and Cutter to create my master case. All of my cases were resized using Lee dies. I trimmed 250 cases and had no more than +- 0.001" variation. Very impressed and I wish I had found this thing years ago. No more hand cramps trimming 223 brass!
A real timesaver(03.12.2016)
I have always used either my Lyman or Forster products for my trimming duties. And while both are powered by my cordless screwdriver they're still slow. But quite accurate. Once I bought an AR and started dealing with processing hundreds or thousands of cases at a time I had to find something faster. The WFT certainly handles the larger quantities much better. I have mine chucked into my Dewalt drill and can process several hundred in an hour which is about as much time as I want to spend trimming in one sitting. As the directions point out, the cases must first be full length resized since the trimmer indexes off the case shoulder. Also with the small case I found an inexpensive rubber coated glove from Home Depot is essential to keep the case from slipping in my grip. The WFT will throw brass shavings everywhere and should be wiped with a Q-tip occasionally. Setup is best done with a case already trimmed to 1.750" and accuracy is acceptable for use in an AR. I randomly measured 20 trimmed cases and the majority were +/- 0.002" though 2 were +0.003 and 1 was +0.004". For my 308 Win I'll continue to use my Forster, it's much more accurate. The only other drawback is the cost of buying a separate trimmer for each caliber where the Forster only requires a caliber specific pilot and sometimes a new collet. Overall the WFT does exactly what I need it to do when process a large batch of 223 for an AR.
not for me(21.03.2017)
Bought this to batch process 50 pcs of 223/556 at a time to then go on loading block to run thru Dillon 650. FAIL. You have to resize your brass before using this tool since the cases index on the shoulder. I load range brass for go bang 223/556 for my AR's. Not adding yet another step to making range brass shootable. I'll get my gun smith to make me a go no go gage for OAL and throw the over length stuff in a bucket to take to the scrappies. Might be ok for a match rifle in 223 where you might want to take the time to resize first and then add this step but I have an RCBS manual trimmer for that and you can trim before resizing like Hornady reccommends.
Super Trimmer!(11.02.2012)
Fast. Consistent. Easy to use. Only con is it is cartridge specific. If you need to trim alot of the same cases fast this is the trimmer to get.
Great and simple tool(22.02.2012)
If you trim over a 100 cases a month for one caliber buy this and you will never look back. Bought first one for batch loading 308 for AR-10. God Send!! I bought additional for two other calibers. Easy and quick to use. Built like a tank. Made one of my least enjoyable loading steps tolerable. My buddies are bringing their brass to my garage now.
If you're like me and you hate trimming(29.04.2013)
Buy this and chuck it in a drill press. You might get some chips in the case, just make sure you size first then tumble after to clean up any small burrs. I usually blow out my primer pockets after tumbling anyways, so chips are not a deal breaker.
Otherwise, this cuts so smooth that you hardly have to chamfer the edges. I actually came here to buy one in .308, and thought I would write a review.
Its a pain to buy one for each caliber... but trust me your hands will thank you.
Exellent Trimmer(05.01.2014)
Received a WFT trimmer this past Friday and processed a lot of 100 pieces of brass yesterday. Setting the cutter for proper depth took a little time but well worth the effort. The trimmer is fast and holds tolerance based on sampling ten pieces of the processed lot. It is well made and features a replaceable cutter. I found it is important to let the trimmer spin up prior to inserting the brass and letting the tool do the work rather than forcing the brass. I found the trimmer easy to clean by applying vacum wand over the holes in the sides of the trimmer. I believe it is money well spent for a quality tool that is fast and produces an excellent result.
Awesome Trimmer, but...(06.08.2014)
Amazingly fast trimmer 10+ per min, very portable and light and a must have if reloading multiple rounds/calibers. However, very challenging to dial in correctly or adjust which is the ONLY REASON I GIVIE 4 STARS. I did find a method to dial in that works quickly (after many mistakes): I'll use .308 for example:
1. take a case that is 2.010/2.011
2. place case on a hard, level surface and slide (trimmer not attached to drill) until you feel the cutter slightly grabbing the case mouth and moderately set the set screws just so it doesn't slide on the cutter shaft.
3. take case out and really torque down the set screws in. For some reason this shifts the cutter about .004/5
4.You should be dialed in for 2.005/6 =/- .002
Note: if case doesn't trim to your liking, run it through your press
again and 90% of the time it will cut properly. if not, run it again
Don't know what the fuss is about!(05.10.2014)
I ordered this trimmer with the anticipation of receiving the "world's finest trimmer" literally. Well, as is the case with most things, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn't. No pros vs my lathe trimmer came across. The WFT should have been faster, easier, and at the very least consistent, none of these applied. I know that technique plays a big part, however most good reviews are from people that are simply not measuring how well the trimmer works! The variance is far too great to even consider giving this a one star. My lathe consistently gives me +/- .002, I'll stick with that.