- Versandgewicht: 0,068kg
- Versandhöhe: 20mm
- Versandbreite: 114mm
- Versandlänge: 99mm
- UPC: 098489029452
Artikel-Nr.: 749010788
Herst.-Nr.: 8994
098489029452 MEC E-Z FILL FUNNELMEC JUNK FUNNEL 14.08.2015
What were they Smoking when they designed THIS thing ? I own 4 MEC loaders and this thing doesn't come close to working on ANY of them.I don't have a Clue what it is for. Good Luck if you screw up and buy it.
Indispensable! 30.11.2011
This funnel is indispensable for filling powder and shot. It's especially helpful with setting up the press for new loads because you can weigh a charge and then dump it back into the bottle without spilling powder or shot.
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