- Farbe: Walnut Brown
- Features: Replacement
- Material: Wood
- Modell: 94
- Schrotkaliber: .410 Bore,20 Gauge,12 Gauge
- Waffentyp: Savage Arms
- Versandgewicht: 0,567kg
- Versandhöhe: 61mm
- Versandbreite: 107mm
- Versandlänge: 429mm
Artikel-Nr.: 984100494
Herst.-Nr.: NONE
Klassisches Walnussholz bietet eine enge Übereinstimmung mit den Original-Fabrikschäften. Hochwertiges Holz mit geradem Maserungsmuster. 95% vorgefräst für eine einfache Anpassung an deine Waffe. Bereit für den letzten Schliff, Beize und Finish.Original Buttplate Too Large 09.07.2015
The original Savage/Stevens butt plate is too long for this replacement stock and extends over the heel . Nothing was offered to remedy this from Brownell's, except to return. The "finished" model has a smaller aftermarket butt plate, already attached for a bit more $$.
The wood was acceptable except for the cut marks on one side of the butt. Couldn't feather out because there wasn't enough wood to do so with the original butt plate.
Hopefully this stock will be reintroduced with the proper dimensions in the future.
See pic.
Great Stock at a Good Price 05.04.2012
I purchased one of these buttstocks for my Savage Model 720. The stock is listed to fit a Remington Model 11, It should also be listed to fit the Savage Model 720, as it fit very well and only needed a final fit, and finishing.The wood is listed as straight grain with no figure, however the one I recieved has enough straight grain to be very eye pleasing. I wood definately buy this stock again.
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