Der Titan-Stirn, der Magnesium-Schuh und die zweiwege Verstellbarkeit bieten die beste Kombination aus Stärke, geringem Gewicht und einem präzisen Gefühl für einen ultra-leichten, matchtauglichen Abzug ohne Flex, Vorwegnehmen oder Übertravel.
Magnesium & Titanium For Strength; Adjustable For Take-Up & Overtravel; Para-Ord. Models, Too
Titanium stirrup, magnesium shoe and two-way adjustability provide the best combination of strength, lower weight and crisp feeling response for an ultra-light, match quality trigger pull without flex, take-up or overtravel.
Magnesium & Titan für Stärke; Verstellbar für Vorwegnehmen & Übertravel; Para-Ord. Modelle ebenfalls
Der Titan-Stirn, der Magnesium-Schuh und die zweiwege Verstellbarkeit bieten die beste Kombination aus Stärke, geringem Gewicht und einem präzisen Gefühl für einen ultra-leichten, matchtauglichen Abzug ohne Flex, Vorwegnehmen oder Übertravel.
Top Takeaways
Der DLASK ARMS Abzug kombiniert einen Titanbügel und einen Magnesiumschuh für optimale Stärke und geringes Gewicht.
Er bietet eine Zwei-Wege-Verstellbarkeit für ein knackiges Ansprechverhalten ohne Flex oder Überhub.
Passend für 1911 Modelle wie Government, Commander und Officers mit einem silbernen Finish.
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.c
Kundenbewertungen (15)
3,6 / 5
Sehr empfehlenswert
Definately NOT drop in! 12.08.2018
This trigger is super light yet built much stronger than the "K hole" I initially installed. If you are looking for a "drop in trigger" this isn't it. Fitting took over an hour and you will need the Brownells trigger stirrup of something similar. Everything is "oversize" for better fit and the shoe was off axis and canted which took a while to sort out. Once the geometry was correct, fitting was easier. I wound up filing on both sides and top and bottom so refinishing using a blast of baking soda was necessary to bring the finish back. I really like the way this trigger looks but it's not simple project.
Sehr empfehlenswert
great trigger super light 28.08.2014
Para p14 to get rid of plastic lots of grinding on bow but supper tight fit shoe not bad . Hardest part is polishing Inside of frame were bow pushes out all the way down all these metals grab each othere
A little more work 31.08.2012
than I though there woul be. I installed the same trigger in my old Bullseye pistol years ago, with only a little fitting & polishing of the bow needed. This time, I had to trim the shoe for height and width to fit the trigger window and trim & polish the bow to fit the ways. The final adjustment was a little squeeze on the bow for final fitting. Once completed it's slicker than goose-grease!
Sehr empfehlenswert
the best for the money ! 29.07.2012
These can be time consuming to fit , but are worth both the money and the time. You can get rid of all take-up and over-travel and have a crisp, "right there " trigger , I have them in four 1911's and one in a STI 2011. I am very happy with them!!!
My only choice for competition guns 08.05.2012
Yes, it DOES take a lot of work to fit one correctly, but once it's done there's nothing sweeter. I love the rounded feel of the shoe. The doublestack trigger is harder to fit properly than the single stack version but either way it's worth it. Make sure you know what you're doing! I have this trigger in a 1640 with a 1-lb 6-oz pull.
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awesome trigger 18.03.2012
love the extreme light weight. adjustment tabs make fitting easy. best trigger ever for the Para wide body.
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The best trigger for my builds 13.01.2011
This is the best competition trigger and my customers ask for it by name. I use the Dlask trigger whenever the finished product has to be a fine racegun used in competitions. It's of incredibly light weight and it allows for very minute adjustments. Yes, it requires fitting by a gunsmith who knows what he's doing, but the final result is worth the price of the trigger and labour.
Wenig empfehlenswert
Not satisfied 25.12.2010
Loose fit on the bow side to side in the frame. The front tabs on the bow were not large enough to provide any custom fitting. The Shoe required extensive fitting.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Needs LOTS of fitting 28.10.2010
My gunsmith hated putting this in a para p14. Fit was awful and the final product isnt what it should be for the price. Next project gets a GunWorks trigger.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Overpriced and not functional 15.10.2010
Bought this trigger thinking that if I spent the kind of money Dlask is asking, that I should get a decent trigger. I was wrong. I had a gunsmith fit it and work on it to begin with. It felt like it was full of gravel and was way worse than stock. He said it was due to the materials in the trigger. I have since put about 8 man hours into polishing every part on my Para that the trigger touches, and polishing the bow and shoe. Still feels like its got gravel in it. In fact its so bad my trigger finger gets tired after shooting the gun. It seems like everything I do to this trigger makes it worse. [...]Its ridiculous.The Gun Craft trigger I had before was much better and I wish I would have kept that one..
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Worth every penny! 06.08.2010
This trigger dropped right in my Citadel Compact 45. Very light trigger with easy adjustments. I have no play in the trigger, just click-bang. Looks great and worth every penny in my opinion. This trigger is unique. I love it!
Nicht empfehlenswert
Not sure 16.04.2010
I bought on for my P14-45 and my P16-40. For some reason, the one in the 16-40 corroded and not needs to be replaced. The one in the 14-45 seems fine. Don't know why one "behaved" and the other didn't, but I'd advise sticking with aluminum.
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not for idiots 29.03.2010
I love it when non gunsmiths whine because their custom fit parts dont jump off the ups truck and install themselves.I have used this trigger in three different pistols of my own and installed it on a dozen more trigger jobs, it has been flawless every time. yes it requires fitting, (that means it is oversized, it is really hard to make a part bigger if it is undersized) but it is a very nice trigger if you know what you are doing, and if you don't, dont try and do a trigger rplacement with this or any trigger.
Sehr empfehlenswert
Great Trigger 27.11.2009
Exactly what I was shopping for to fit into a Gold Cup frame and a Series 70 Govt frame. Yes like the previous comment says you need to hand fit this trigger, it is not a drop in and go but if you want the perfection of a fitted trigger this is the way to go. The only negative I have on it is that the finish on the "finger" side will smooth down and change texture and look.
Nicht empfehlenswert
Don't waste your time 25.08.2009
I was looking for something different for my custom Colt, I saw this and like the looks, I purchased the product and when I went to install, it would not fit. The shoe was to wide; as well as, the trigger was too tall and wide. I realize that some fitting is required but this trigger required too much and for the price you think it would be a little more too tolerance. Don't waste your time with product.
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Erlebe den DLASK ARMS Semi-Auto Ultra-Light Trigger! 🎯 Mit Titan-Haken und Magnesium-Sohle für präzise Schüsse. Ideal für 1911 Modelle.
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Konstante Genauigkeit durch bessere Produktionsmethoden und hochwertiges Material.
Einzelnes Blatt aus massivem Stahl sorgt für Stabilität beim Schuss.
Klick-verstellbare Detents für Windage und Elevation ermöglichen präzise Anpassungen.
Der 1911 HD Ball Head Disconnector verbessert die Toleranzen deiner 1911 und reduziert Widerstand bei Triggerarbeiten unter 2 1/4 lbs.
Die Geometrie des Disconnectors verhindert ein Auslösen bei eingelegtem Magazin, was die Sicherheit erhöht.
Der untere Spatel hat einen kleinen .006 Eckradius, was die Funktionalität verbessert und ein Graben im Trigger Bow verhindert.
Der FUSION FIREARMS 1911 K-HOLE Trigger ist ein verstellbarer und skelettierter Match-Abzug für die 1911 Pistole.
Er bietet eine gute Passform im Rahmen dank des verstellbaren Abzugbügels und kommt mit einem geriffelten vorderen Abzugspad.
Dieser Trigger funktioniert mit den meisten 1911 Modellen und Klonen und ist in Silber- oder Schwarz-Finish erhältlich.
Ein TORX-Kopf verhindert das Abrutschen des Bits und schützt den Schraubenschlitz.
Das Kit enthält 240 hochwertige Schrauben in verschiedenen Größen und Stilen, alles in einer stabilen Box.
Inklusive Checker/Shortener Jig für einfaches Anpassen der Schraubenlängen.
Hergestellt aus hochwertigem, gezogenem und getempertem Chrom-Silizium-Draht oder hochkohlenstoffhaltigem Stahl für höchste Leistung.
Garantiert leistungsfähig mit der besten Kombination aus Spannung und Druck für leichte, wettbewerbsfähige Abzug-Jobs.
Hochkohlenstoffhaltiger Stahl mit skelettierten Blättern sorgt für gleichmäßigen Druck und korrekten Weg.