Hard-To-Find Replacements Keep These Obsolete Rimfire Rifles Shooting
Duplicate factory fit and function.
Schwer zu findende Ersatzteile halten diese veralteten Rimfire-Gewehre im Schuss
Doppelte Passform und Funktion wie beim Original.
Action Type:Bolt Action
Patrone:22 Long Rifle
Made in USA
US-Exportklassifizierung: 0A501.x
Kundenbewertungen (13)
4,9 / 5
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Wisner model 52 magazine 04.09.2018
Identical to original factory magazine except for the Wisner markings. Brownells as always.is the go to company for quality replacement parts.
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I'm floored! 31.08.2012
Although I'm a purist and would prefer original mags I already had one. So, I bought two of these for my Win. 52 to avoid the $65-$75 cost of what the originals go for on [@]. WOW!! Looks exactly like the originals but better yet, functions totally flawlessly. Smooth loading reliable feed, nice tight spring. It doesn't get any better than this. Buy one original for your rifle just to have, but then get a bunch of these for shooting. Thank you Brownell's for a quality repro.
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Just like the original 27.01.2012
My original clip for my browning reinvented model 52 sporter didn't follow me back to the house from the woods where it helped fill the bag with squirrel. I didn't push it in all the way when I reloaded. This one is exactly perfect as a replacement.
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Quality at a great price 16.11.2011
I have a 1930's Model 52 and only had 1 clip. I bought 4 more and they are an exact match and work great.
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Great Product 11.09.2011
Add the Winchester Model 57 to the rifles this magazine accoomodates. I recently restored an 80+ year old Model 57 and this magazine is an exact copy of the original Winchester magazine that came with the gun. It functions perfectly.
Works well in Model 75 10.09.2011
Well made. Feeds nicely. Fit is snug. Works fine.
Only minor issue: To release mag, you have to push down from the top on the mag with the bolt open (and mag release button pressed) as it wont fall out on its own and is impossible to grab from the bottom. Not really an issue on a target .22
Good product, probably going to order a few more for my Winchester Model 75 (Target).
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A great product 15.03.2011
These magazines are well worth the money. I shoot small-bore rifle silhouette using a Browning 52B sporter and having extra mags is a must. Original Browning or Winchester mags are hard to find and expensive, but Brownells like always, had the right stuff at the right price.
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Great Magazine 04.03.2011
I ordered 5 of these & they fit perfectly. They fit much better than the ones made by another manufacturer who's name starts with a P. In short these are great, hands down.
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Superb! 10.09.2010
I have been disappointed before with replacement mags of many types. Not these! They are of superb quality, great fit and finish, and work flawlessly.
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cant get better 09.07.2010
couldn't get any better. when the mag was lost from my Winchester model 75, I thought I would never find a new one. When a gunsmith referred me to Brownells i didn't think they would have one but it turns out not only do they have them they have the lowest price on the internet. as soon as i get paid I'm going to buy a few more.
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Better than OEM! 26.05.2010
I shoot Mettallic Silouette with a Win 52B. A new model. The rilfle after coming back from Hill Country Rilfes waas amazing ! But the rifle came with one mag. & Winchester wanted close to $50.00 for another one! I found these little darlins' and they work just fine. Fit and Finish is top rate. I even ordered some 10 rounders for my Savage. They worked great Once you hit the mag release they drop free & clear of the rifle. Get them while you can.....I truely was surprised to see my favorite company had them. You won't be disappointed
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also fits the model 57 (disc. in 1937) 17.10.2009
Recently I acquired an 80 year old Winchester model 57. It had only one original magazine so I didn't want to risk damaging it by using it. This magazine is a perfect fit and functions flawlessly.
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Great deal! 15.08.2009
These magazines work just has good as the original, for a fraction of the price. So far I've tested them in a Winchester 52, a Winchester 75 and a Browning reproduction of the 52... Works 100%
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Entdecke das WISNER Winchester 52 5RD Magazin für 22LR. ✨ Hochwertiger Stahl, 5 Schuss, ideal für Bolt Action. Jetzt kaufen!
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Die BROWNELLS 1911 Stock Bushings sind speziell dimensionierte Buchsen, die in einem Set von 4 geliefert werden.
Die Standard-Buchsen bestehen aus gut verarbeitetem blued steel und haben spezifische Gewindegrößen.
Die Edelstahl-Buchsen sehen besonders gut auf Edelstahl- und vernickelten Waffen aus.
Einfacher Einbau: Das MGW Oversize Barrel Bushing lässt sich ohne große Anpassungen in 1911er Autos installieren.
Passgenauigkeit: Das Drop-In-Modell passt fest in den meisten Schlitten und akzeptiert Standardläufe ohne Nacharbeit.
Maßgeschneiderte Optionen: Das Oversize-Modell hat einen kleineren I.D., der genau an deinen Lauf angepasst werden kann.
Hochwertige Ersatzmagazine für die Browning Medalist .22, 10 Rds.
100% in den USA hergestellt mit geschweißten Nähten und maschinell bearbeiteten Followern.
Verriegelt den Schlitten nach der letzten Patrone nicht.
Der CARLSONS Tactical Breecher Choke sorgt für extra weite Streuungsmuster und ist ideal für Heimverteidigung oder CQB-Einsätze.
Die gezackte Spitze verhindert ein Rutschen des Laufs während gewaltsamer Eindringoperationen.
Der Choke ist aus 1704 Edelstahl gefertigt und hat ein Manganphosphat-Finish für verbesserte Verschleißfestigkeit.